Climate Performance
The climate performance score tracks the absolute GHG emissions and energy use performance over the past 3 years. Points are awarded as follows:
Performance last 3 years | Points |
Decrease | 2 |
Fluctuating (up&down) | 1 |
Increasing | 0 |
No data | 0 |
Points are awarded for GHG emissions and energy use performance respectively and the poibts are added subsequently.
The contribution to the overall SDiD Score ® is as follows:
Total points | Contribution to SDiD Score |
3 and more | 2 |
2 Points | 1 |
0-1 Point | 0 |

ESG data transparency
For each of the 7 data fields we researched, 1 point is awarded. Absolute data is researched, relative data is not rewarded.
The contribution to the overall SDiD Score ® is as follows:
Total points | Contribution to SDiD Score |
3 and more | 2 |
2 Points | 1 |
0-1 Point | 0 |
ESG data fields researched: GHG emissions, energy use, renewable energy use, waste, water use, occupational health and supplier audits.

ESG Targets
For each of the 6 ESG targets we researched, 1 point is awarded.
The contribution to the overall SDiD Score ® is as follows:
Points | Points Overall SDiD |
4-6 | 2 |
3 | 1 |
0-2 | 0 |
ESG targets researched: GHG emissions, energy use, resources, compliance/society, occupational health, people programs