SDiD Score®

Our ESG data analysis is performed by dedicated and experienced analysts in Berlin.
For transparancy reasons we describe the applied scoring methodologies.

SDiD Score® Methodology

The methodology for the SDiD Score® is straightforward yet meaningful.

The overall score consists of sum of three sub-categories:

  1. Climate performance
  2. ESG data transparency
  3. ESG target setting

For each sub-category up to 2 points are awarded, hence the total score range is 0 – 6 points.

Scores are rewarded as follows:

SDiD ScoreTotal Points
ESG Leader5-6
Average ESG performance3-4
ESG needs attention0-2
climate performance icon

Climate Performance

The climate performance score tracks the absolute GHG emissions and energy use performance over the past 3 years. Points are awarded as follows:

Performance last 3 yearsPoints
Fluctuating (up&down)1
No data0

Points are awarded for GHG emissions and energy use performance respectively and the poibts are added subsequently.
The contribution to the overall SDiD Score ® is as follows:

Total pointsContribution to SDiD Score
3 and more2
2 Points1
0-1 Point0
data icon

ESG data transparency

For each of the 7 data fields we researched, 1 point is awarded. Absolute data is researched, relative data is not rewarded.

The contribution to the overall SDiD Score ® is as follows:

Total pointsContribution to SDiD Score
3 and more2
2 Points1
0-1 Point0

ESG data fields researched: GHG emissions, energy use, renewable energy use, waste, water use, occupational health and supplier audits.

ESG Scoring icon

ESG Targets

For each of the 6 ESG targets we researched, 1 point is awarded.

The contribution to the overall SDiD Score ® is as follows:

PointsPoints Overall SDiD

ESG targets researched: GHG emissions, energy use, resources, compliance/society, occupational health, people programs

SDiD score icon

SDiD Score®

Company ESG scores are:

  • ESG Leader
  • ESG Average
  • ESG needs attention
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Our Rules

"No data" means that our analysis shows that a company does not communicate or publish that data point on a corporate level. We do not fabricate estimates. For transparency reasons, we use publicly available company data only.

SDiD Circular Economy Score®:

Smarter and more effective use of resources will in the future enable people to enjoy a prosperous life on a healthy planet, with a strong and sustainable economy.

Implementing Circular Economy is becoming mainstream and is being translated into new regulatory pressures for companies. SDiD researches how companies are implementing Circular Economy in their activities by checking how they report on Circular Economy.

For the SDiD Circular Economy Score®, we expect companies to develop and report on circular economy implementation on a corporate level.

Governance indicators on a corporate level, like strategy, organisational aspects and stakeholder initiatives and key data, like use of recycled material content or circular waste recycling rates, are researched. For the SDiD Circular Economy Score®, most points are awarded to those companies reporting committed use of recycled content in production for specific materials. This was chosen to emphasize Circular Economy implementation.

Detailed information on the SDiD Circular Economy Score® is available on request.