This is a preview of an SDiD Profile®, which we compile for all analysed companies.
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Sample N dot V

Average 4/6
Consumer Discretionary
Climate Performance
ESG data
ESG Targets
  • Sample N dot V has a general SDG approach in ESG strategy
  • 3 year climate performance is inconsistent: 1 SDiD point
  • ESG data transparency is good: 2 SDiD points
  • Sample N dot V sets an average number of ESG targets: 1 SDiD point
Sample N dot V obtains an ESG Average SDiD Score® with 4 out of 6 SDiD points.
Climate Performance
Climate performance trends of the company on selected topics
  • GHG Emissions fluctuated over the past 3 years.
  • Energy use fluctuated over the past 3 years.
ESG targets
Implementing ESG commitments involves identification and setting of clear targets that can be readily measured and reported on to stakeholders.
Sample N dot V communicates data on 3 ESG targets
Industry benchmark is to report data on 3 ESG targets
Topics on which the company communicates ESG targets.
Resources: waste, CE, recycling
Worker health
ESG data
Communication of ESG performance data form the basis for communicating the ESG strategy progress, informing company stakeholders, redefining and adjusting approaches to ESG.
We reseseach if a company reports on ESG data topics. Data can be absolute or efficiency based.
Sample N dot V communicates data on 6 ESG topics
Industry benchmark is to report data on 4 ESG topics
Topics on which the company communicates ESG data.
Ren. Energy
GHG Emissions
Occ. health
Sample N dot V has a general SDG approach in ESG strategy
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Absolute data
Company Index Ticker Symbol SDiD Score®GHG emissions (tCO2e)Energy (MWh)Waste (t)Water use (m3/1000 liters)Supplier audits (#)Occupational accident rate
Sample N dot V
Consumer Discretionary
ESG Average
2020 - 986,000
2021 - 1,099,000
2022 - 1,051,000
2020 - 1,678,571
2021 - 1,879,142
2022 - 1,837,184
2020 - 48,275
2021 - 51,884
2022 - 48,865
2020 - 8,036,000
2021 - 8,494,000
2022 - 8,247,000
2020 - No data
2021 - No data
2022 - No data
No data
2020 - 0.2
2021 - 0.18
2022 - 0.24