This is a preview of an SDiD Profile®, which we compile for all analysed companies.
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Sample N dot V

Average 4/6
Health Care
Climate Performance
ESG data
ESG Targets
  • Sample N dot V has an ESG strategy that is not related to the SDGs
  • 3 year climate performance is good: 2 SDiD points
  • ESG data transparency is good: 2 SDiD points
  • Sample N dot V can improve ESG target setting: 0 SDiD points
Sample N dot V obtains an ESG Average SDiD Score® with 4 out of 6 SDiD points.
Climate Performance
Climate performance trends of the company on selected topics
  • GHG Emissions decreased over the past 3 years.
  • Energy use fluctuated over the past 3 years.
ESG targets
Implementing ESG commitments involves identification and setting of clear targets that can be readily measured and reported on to stakeholders.
Sample N dot V communicates data on 2 ESG targets
Industry benchmark is to report data on 3 ESG targets
Topics on which the company communicates ESG targets.
Resources: waste, CE, recycling
ESG data
Communication of ESG performance data form the basis for communicating the ESG strategy progress, informing company stakeholders, redefining and adjusting approaches to ESG.
We reseseach if a company reports on ESG data topics. Data can be absolute or efficiency based.
Sample N dot V communicates data on 7 ESG topics
Industry benchmark is to report data on 4 ESG topics
Topics on which the company communicates ESG data.
Ren. Energy
GHG Emissions
Occ. health
Supplier audits
Sample N dot V has an ESG strategy that is not related to the SDGs
Absolute data
Company Index Ticker Symbol SDiD Score®GHG emissions (tCO2e)Energy (MWh)Waste (t)Water use (m3/1000 liters)Supplier audits (#)Occupational accident rate
Sample N dot V
Health Care
ESG Average
2020 - 510,000
2021 - 494,000
2022 - 446,000
2020 - 2,222,222
2021 - 2,300,000
2022 - 2,208,888
2020 - 87,000
2021 - 87,300
2022 - 85,510
2020 - 10,770,000
2021 - 11,300,000
2022 - 10,430,000
2020 - 7
2021 - 5
2022 - 6
2020 - 0.91
2021 - 1.26
2022 - 1.28